Identity, Values and Strengths Activity

18, April 2019

Personal Values

My personal values are:

  • Honesty
  • Physical Fitness
  • Kindness

Strengths and Limitations

After talking and discussion with peers this is what I have found.

I am passionate in work that I am interested in. Problems are that I can focous to much on what I am interested in instead of spreading the time out for the other tasks. It's kind of like tunnel vision.

I talk about a topic passionately but end up cutting into what people say or change to topic entirely without clear flow in coversation.

I like to tell the true but I am too blunt to some people and failed to see from other peoples perspective.

In terms of career development there are times where I felt Imposter syndrome and I loose motivation and confidence in my abilities.

I have had a bad exprience working in a User Interface design project with 3 other teamates. There were two teamates that didn't get along. One was an Apple fanatic, let's call him Sam, and the other wanted to get the work done without delay, let's call him David.

We were all working on a garden management application. Same wanted the UI to be based on Apples IOS design. He also insited in using Sketch which had a problem. No one had Sratch on their computer or knew how to use it. This lead to a disagreement with Sam and David. The project delayed because of failed meetups.

Sam wasn't budging and I had to find a solution. I decided to look for places to run Sketch as a trial and found a spot in the University Library that had Mac Computers. I installed the trail and began work on the project.

I informed the team about this information and told them that if we do not finish our project we would fail the assignment. It didn't really work till it was the day before the drop in date.

The group was together finally but Sam and David were still at each other. I choose to ignore them and continue working on Sketch till we had enough windows to do a walkthrough.