EQ/IE - Emotional Intelligence

4, May 2019


What is EQ and IQ?

EQ: Emotional Intelligence. The awareness and sense of empathy for others. Ability reflect on one’s self. Difficult to measure but can be learned over time.
IQ: Intelligence Quotient. The speed of cognitivity. The amount of knowledge one can reference quickly. Usually measured by tests and is studied to be when you are born.

Why is EQ important?

Being able to put yourself into another’s shoes will help you make decisions that will benefit people around you as well as yourself. Eg. If a teammate is having difficulty you can help them to the best of your ability so the team overall can get back on track.

Also having a good EQ will help set you into a good growth mindset instead of being fixed.


Have you done mindfulness or attention training before?

No I have not done this form of training before.


Are you able to identify any bias you have for or against mindfulness?

I tend to worry a lot more about getting work done instead of mindfulness.

What did you notice as you were meditating?

My heart beat the noise around me.

How did you find the overall experience?

A sense of calmness and tingling sensation. Probably due to the tea i drank.

What's your daily habit commitment?

Bath at night. Wake up early in the morning 0700 am feeling like p-diddy then go to work/school.