Sprint 4 Technical Blog

8, May 2019


Two problems Encountered

Problem 1 (blocked):

I was creating the the whereAreYou(arr) function. The function takes in an array and finds ‘Scooby’ behind a door.

What Problem Solving Technique I used

The problem solving technique I used was console logging and reading error messages.

The objects look like so:

{door: 1, hiding: ‘Scooby’}

I console logged all objects in the array and found that I was getting undefined objects.

I looked down into the testcode and found that empty arrays were being tested. So I did a sanity check for empty arrays at the start of the function like so: (example in pseudo code)

if array length is 0, return 0.

What i thought

I thought my solution was complete but I had an error which says that I cannot get property door from undefined. I had a suspicion that an empty array was the case but wanted to be sure.

Problem 2 (Elegant Solution):

Fizzbuzz is a simple problem common in programing challenges. For this version the function fizzBuzz should return "Fizz", "Buzz" and "FizzBuzz" for multiples of 3,5 and 15 respectively

I wanted to make fizzbuzz more readable

What Problem Solving Technique I used

I used the rubber ducky method but even though I don’t have a rubber ducky. I used my teacup.

I separated the logic from the forloop in the form of a helper function


I created 3 variables holding the true/false values for multiple or 3, 5 and 15. This made it easy to create 3 if else statements like so in pseudo code:

const isMultiple3 = number % 3 === 0;
const isMultiple5 = number % 5 === 0;
const isMultiple15 = isMultiple3 && isMultiple5;

if (isMultiple15){
    return "FizzBuzz";
} else if (isMultiple3){
    return "Fizz";
} else if (isMultiple5){
    return "Buzz";
return number;

What i thought

I could have utilized map() built in functions but it may have made it less readable. Doesn't mean I know it doesn't mean I should