Foundation Core Skills

19, May 2019


Foundations Core Skills

What are three new things you have learned about yourself and your ego as a result of the core learning?

  • I may come across as arrogant when I say things are done as they should like. When using let over var. But my learning is not other peoples learning.
  • I know that I still have many things to learn and my process of building the calculator is still slow.
  • I like to think ahead sometimes but I should slow down and concentrate on the requirements first then do refactoring and updates later.

What has surprised you the most about the core learning?

Doing simple things like going for a walk or taking a break can lead to more productive workflows. Taking some time to reflect can help me with ideas that are stuck or concepts that I haven’t grasped on.

What were the most challenging aspects of the core learning?

Being consistent in using headspace and meditation. I don’t normally meditate as I said in the previous blogs.

Why do you think we, a programming school, are spending so much time focusing on core learning in a web development bootcamp course?

Core learning is important for self development. It also will help me improve my learning as well in terms of motivation and love of programming. I have come to enjoy most of my time doing it.

Does the time you spent studying core learning here feel like a waste of time? Should you have just used that time to practicing programming instead? Justify your answer.

It may sometimes feel like a waste of time because it doesn’t come naturally to me because yes you can spend more of the time pre-reading on React and stuff but over time this core training will help me pace myself enjoy learning and enjoy life in the process.