Neuroplasticity and Growth Mindset

9, May 2019



What is Neuroplasticity?

Neuroplasticity is the ability for the human brain to change over time based on the stimulus and training.

How does it benefit people?

Understanding that intelligence isn’t set by birth and formed and groomed over time is a great motivator to work hard. This is because the demoralizing effects of race doesn’t affect one’s self

How will will it work to my benefit?

I will use it not only for programming but using it for everyday life. Challenging myself on harder problems and applying in everyday will improve myself mentally and physically.

What are some of the ways to increase your neuroplasticity?

I can do repeated tasks like katas to strengthen the neurological connections. Find and read materials that have relationships with already established knowledge.

Neuroplasticity Resources I found interesting:

  • Ten Principles ofNeuroplasticity
  • Growth Mindset

    What is a Growth Mindset and Why is it relavant?

    The growth mindset is nothing new but recently been given attention because of Carol Dweck’s research.

    The growth mindset is a way of thinking by stopping the negativity by focusing not on the present but the future. If you fail and you are beaten by the failure it will cause you to be worse off but if you fail and say that you will learn from this you are in a better position to improve.

    What Surprised Me?

    I was surprised how much of a fixed mindset I have developed in my life.

    What Changed for me?

    I need to focus on a growth mindset and it helped improve my confidence in software development as well as given me a new vigour.

    How will this be integrated into my learning journey?

    I will be open to discussion with peer as well as the tutors. I’ll be more open to try and then fail because if I put effort into it I know that it’s a more engaging way of learning than not trying at all.

    Growth Mindset Resources i found interesting:

  • Carol Dwek Growth Mindset
  • Blending it all together

    How will these understandings shape or influence my learning plan and strategy?

    Not much will change except when I finish my sprints I will look for more challenging lessons I can find. Like doing ES6 katas for my knowledge, learn basic in react or revise on web technologies.